We are planning new investments in wind farms in Serbia
Tiziano Giovannetti’s Interview for eKapija
MK Fintel Wind opened the first wind farm in Southern Banat in October this year. The company is planning to build another wind farm in Vršac, as well as the power plant in VelikoGradište. We spoke with the Executive Director of Fintel Energia Spa and MK Fintel Wind, Tiziano Giovannetti about these projects, other plans, about whether Serbia is suitable for these projects and what conditions it provides for investments in the field of renewable energy sources.
eKapija: You recently opened the first wind park in Southern Banat, what does this project mean for the citizens of that part of Serbia and how many households will it supply with electricity?
- After we opened the first wind park in Serbia last year, the company continued to expand green power plants. At the beginning of October, we officially put the generators into regular operation of the electricity productionin the village of Zagajica, near Vršac. The total expected energy production that is completely clean annually would be about twenty gigawatts, which is enough energy for about 5,500 households fromVršac and the surrounding villages, but the benefit will in fact have the entire energy sector of Serbia.
eKapija: How much funds have been invested in this project and what is the total expected annual output?
- MK Fintel Wind invested a lot of money in this project over the years through the engagement of associates, the purchase of land, land survey, license fees, the production of technical documentation and all other steps that were necessary and all these funds went directly to the Serbian economy. We invested more than 10m EUR in the construction.
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